Zoltán Bay (1900-1992): The unity of space and timeZ. Bay:The atom, energy source of our future
Mrs.Z. Bay: Z. Bay, a man who respected life and fought for it
J. Shorel Varnai: Yad Vashem - a righteous man
A. Detrekői:
Z. Bay's role in the scientific community's international lifeS. Mészáros: Z. Bay's activities in the Tungsram Company's R&D laboratories
K. Kecskeméty, K. Szegő: "The Sun as seen by STEREO
A. Bejczy: What do we look for in Space?
A. Balogh: Magnetic fields in the Solar system
M. Horányi: "Dusty plasma" in the Solar system
S.B. Mende, H.U. Frey: A new approach to far UV imaging of auroras