N. Kroó: The role of physics in XXI. century Europe P. Hraskó: The Earth as a revolving magnet A. Szalay: The synthesis of artificial human sung voice and the modification of the formant structure Ferenc Szabó, 1925-2002 (J. Gadó, J. Gyulai) DOCUMENTS A. Toivola: New nuclear plant reactor in Finland Peace Appeal, August 6, 2002 (Tadatosi Akiba) LONG-DISTANCE CALLS How does a molecule behave on a metallic platinum surface? - a talk of G. Marx with G. Somorjai Witness of historical times - G. Marx interviewing L. Tisza TEACHING PHYSICS A. Kálmán: What to teach about J. Bolyai in our secondary school? International Physics Olympiad, 2002 (Gy. Honyek, E. Szegedi) Physics on stage again (S. Ujvári) NEWS OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY EVENTS