I. Hargtttai: Something doubled 50 years ago - case history and lessons of the discovery I. Lovas: The first 15 billion years A. Sütő: Adjective fields in mathematical physics K. Radnóti: An overview of present-day elementary school physics teaching and the need for its further development Zoltán Gyimesi, 1928-2003 (J. Gadó) TEACHING PHYSICS M. Bányai: The Szent-István Gymnasium in Esztergom: History of the school and of physics teaching, documented by an exhibition OPINIONS Cs. Sükösd: Retlections on public education issues Gy. Gergely: Open letter PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCIES E.Sz. Vizi: Presidential Opening Address at the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences EVENTS BOOKS