R. Lovas: The Nuclear Research Institute (ATOMKI) - past, present and future B. Juhász, Zs. Fülöp, Z. Trócsányi: The ATOMKI and its activity within the network of modern scientific research B. Sulik: Fermi acceleration - a peculiar ionization mechanism Á.Z. Kiss, Zs. Szántó, Z. Dezső: ATOMKI and its role in environment protection A. Krasznahorkay: Atomic nuclei and their deformed states J. Cseh: Hidden symmetries COMMEMORATIONS D. Berényi: Sándor Szalay -a scientist's personality R. Voszka, 1928-2004 (E. Hartmann, J. Janszky) TEACHING PHYSICS I. Légrádi: A car drivers' brake problem PROC. OF DEPT. FOR PHYS. SCI. OF THE ACADEMY BOOKS