Z. Fodor, S. Katz: Did (does) a phase transition occur in the course of the Big Bang (Little Bang)? Particle physics that thrilled the editors of Nature (A. Patkós) Sz. Csizmadia: The rating of (planet?) Pluto M.Gy. Szabó: Large scale sky surveys Gy. Farkas: Attosecond light pulses T. Pusztai, G. Bortel, Gy. Tóth, L. Gránásy: 3D modelling of complex crystal morphologies Commemorating Academician K. Nagy's 80th birthday (F. Csikor ) For 60 years an addict to Physics - J. Zimányi (P. Lévai ) TEACHING PHYSICS L. Görbe, Gy. Nyerges, Z. Sebestyén, P. Simon, S. Ujvári: Physical measurements on the road K. Radnóti: What amount of knowledge in physics do BSc freshmen show? BOOKS TENDERS EVENTS SCIENCE IN BITS FOR THE SCHOOL Membrane nanotubes (I. Derényi)