I. Csabai, N. Purger, L. Dobos, A. Szalay, T. Budavári: The structure of the Universe L.V. Tóth: How stars like our Sun might have come about M. Nagy: 150 years ago: the impact of the famous Kaba-Debrecen meteorite T. Geszti: Vibrating mirrors in the border zone adjacent to the quantum world T. Ungár: A dislocational model of deformation anisotropy T. Geszti: L. Tisza and the theory of superfluidity FROM ATOMS TO STARS G. Vattay: The physics of internet TEACHING PHYSICS Cs. Sükösd: Report on the X. Leo Szilárd Contest in nuclear physics - Part II. É. Kirsch, F. Elblinger, I. Tepliczky: Hungarian physics teachers' visitor course in CERN, 2007 TENDERS BOOKS EVENTS SCIENCE IN BITS FOR THE SCHOOL Planets everywhere (K. Szatmáry)