E. Teller: At home again I. Hargittai: The club and the grizzly bear: Edward Teller - Defender of the Free World J. Bencze: Martian, but born on Earth Z. Szatmáry: E. Teller and atomic power Á. Veres: Meeting with 65 year-old E. Teller I. Szemenyei: Ten years after J. Sólyom, E. Tosatti: Patrik Fazekas, 1945-2007 TEACHING PHYSICS A. Patkós: The PISA program 2006 The correspondence of the Eötvös Physical Society and the Ministry of Education concerning teaching curricula L. Füstöss: The Eötvös Contest of 2007 OPINIONS I. Lovas: Why E. Teller was not awarded the Nobel prize BOOKS EVENTS