I. Bakonyi, E. Simon, L. Péter: The discovery (1988) of giant magnetic resistivity
and the origins of spintronics
M. Paparó: Astro-seismology and exoplanet research
B. Laczik: The cometarium mechanism
S. Bérczi, S. Hegyi, G. Hudoba: The Hunveyor training spacecraft model and
its manifold uses in the education of physics
G. Horváth: How does an opossum cling to a tree branch by its tail?
L. Vannay, F. Fülöp, J. Máthé, T. Nagy: Hungarian secondary schools' Physics Contest 2007
I. Csiszár, E.H. Fazekas, L. Keszőcze: Hungarian Secondary Schools' fiftieth Round Table
at Szeged
Visiting the Magic Tower at Eger, North Hungary