E. Papp, T. Vicsek, J. Kürti, G. Horváth: Dear Reader!
Let us offer you a jubilee issue of our Journal with papers by authors, doing research at the Department of
Biological Physics, Eötvös University, Budapest
A. Czirók, E. Kósa: Self-organization of vascular networks
I. Farkas: Complex networks in molecular biology
Gy. Garab, E. Papp: Macro-organized molecular systems: degree of organizedness and
flexibility of structure
B. Hegedűs: Motility strategies of tumor cells
P. Malik, G. Horváth, Gy. Kriska, B. Robertson: Polarized light pollution
Á. Rusznyák, J. Koltai, V. Zólyomi, J. Kürti: Theoretical analysis of carbon nanostructures
G. Meszéna: Ecology and evolution, as seen by physicists
Zs. Ákos, M. Nagy, T. Vicsek: Comparison of glide flight strategies in thermals:
birds vs qualified human pilots
P. Závodszky, P. Gál: Proteases in the immune system