J. Cseh: Oscillating and rotating atomic nuclei: phase transitions in cold quantum systems
I. Pozsgai: Electron scattering as described in the Rutherford approximation
E. Farkas, G. Horváth, I. Boncz, Gy. Kriska: Better than modern artists' representations
of leaping four-legged animals: cave sketches of our ancestors
P. Hraskó: What quantum theory tells about the time demand of tunnelling effects
A. Aszódi, I. Boros: The future of nuclear power after Fukushima - 2/1
T. Stonawski: Gulliver's matchboxes: crashing tests on real and toy automobiles
K. Härtlein: Physical experiments to be performed at home
L. Leitner: Various forms of pupils' experiments